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Gong, Tengda. 2014. "The Mechanization of Farming on Tiliu Tian Boosts Transfers of Chengbao Tian: Economic Analysis and Descriptive Evidence from Chizhou, Anhui Province, China." Journal of Translation from Foreign Literature of Economics (Chinese). 2(2014): 71-84.
This paper studies how the early adoption of mechanization services on tiliu tian (large and non-fragmented farmland) helped boosting transfers of chengbao tian (small and fragmented farmland) in China. Self-conducted household surveys and interviews in Anhui Province show that the mechanization services initiated on the former farmland expanded to the latter farmland as they are geographically close to each other. The expansion of mechanization services lowered the labor cost of cultivating small fragmented farmland in scale and thereby boosted transfers of chengbao tian among heterogeneous households in the opportunity cost of labor.
Gafarov, Bulat, Tengda Gong, and Jens Hilscher. 2022. "What Price Is Right? Cigarette Demand Has Become More Responsive to Prices." ARE Update. 25(4): 9-11. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
We provide evidence that demand for cigarettes has become relatively more sensitive to price changes, while other products’ demand has become slightly less responsive. This change happened during a time of high cigarette taxes, increased regulation of smoking, and is particularly pronounced in California.